Wednesday, March 21, 2012

ISTE Standards and My First Year of Teaching Goals

The National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Teachers are important for all new teachers. It is definitely something I will use when I begin my career as a teacher. The following are my goals during my first year of teaching.

1. Technology Operations and Concepts: To uphold my technological skills and knowledge, I will constantly be using technology to hone my skills during my first year of teaching. This will allow me to explore different programs and websites that will help my students understand the content material. I will definitely always be on the search for the latest technological advances in education and do my best to incorporate these current events into classroom discussion whenever applicable or relevant.

2. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences: I will first identify the technology I have in my classroom and try to add more to the classroom. I would definitely request the latest equipment the school has so I can be up-to-date with the newest gadgets and teach myself how to use them.

3. Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum: To facilitate learning and expand student's horizons, I hope to involve real-life scenarios into my lessons. By doing so, I will ask the students to use the internet to research anything that would have a connection to the lesson of the day. This would allow my students to tap into their "higher level skills" in a technological environment.

4. Assessment and Evaluation: By using a database, I can track my student's needs and find out more about them. I know that by collecting information in the beginning of the year will allow me to become more aware of data and help me improve student success.

5. Productivity and Professional Practice: The development of lifelong learning is important for all students and by incorporating Power Point presentations or cellphone activities could really engage students to learning about the material. They can take on this information to the next course and use these mediums as ways to present their materials in an "out of the box" way.

6. Social, Ethical, and Legal Issues: I will definitely pull out articles that relate to social, ethical, and legal issues from online sources and present them in class as supplemental material for students. Also I might even pull up Twitter as a way to present current trending debates on these topics. This is important as students will use these social networking sites to explore these ideas and come up with new ones.

These goals should help me open myself to technology and ultimately help my students relate to our technological world.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Avo-
    Great goals, I wonder what they will look like in your classroom. I know your classroom is going to be great, full of energy and positive ideas but I would like to know what these are going to look like in your class. What will you and the students be doing to make sure these happen.
