Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Phone's Cell

Cell phones did not exist before the year 1973. Today, it has changed how businesses, people and entities operate. It is the medium through which people can express facts, thoughts, and feelings. I think that it is an integral part of society and teachers should embrace them in the classroom.
It may seem silly that teachers are using cell phones in the classroom, but it is actually quite innovative and progressive in education today. Encouraging the use of these devices for the young ones could lead to many advantages…
An important advantage of a cell phone keeps the students connected. They can interchange numbers and help each other stay on track of assignments. The classroom will truly be a support system of learning for all students.
I have recently worked on a cell phone project in my computers in education class and it went well. Because we were all unable to meet together, we all had to complete our part of the project separately but connect it at the end in a powerpoint. The assignment was basically to take pictures with a cell phone of things that would represent a fairy tale. The pictures would then have to be used in class to help tell the fairytale story. I found the project to be interesting and very effective. The cell phone project definitely got me to think about different ways I can represent the plot. This brought out my creative side and I really enjoyed having to hunt for the images that I needed for the assignment.

I think collaboration is a key part of learning new ideas especially for those in K-12. In my project, I did not see any flaws in collaborating with others using my cell phone. I was able to complete the work on my own time while others were able to finish it on their time. I think giving students this option will not only encourage them to do this assignment, but will probably get better quality presentations.


  1. Avo: I loved that you mentioned the fact that using our cell phones helps us stay connected in school. It's truly an amazing thing that our professor can send the entire class a text reminded us about assignments...seriously awesome! Granted, we're all adults and we're responsible for knowing when things are due, however, it shows that the teacher really cares and wants us to succeed. I also liked how you mentioned that the use of cell phones can help bring out your creative side. It's true! You have to really think about it and go a little out there. Anddd I loved the picture of the little boy and the cell phone! :)

  2. Nice Avo! I love the corporate kid pic! The history you provided about the cell phone was a nice intro/segue into our project. I enjoy collaboration as well and get sick and tired of constantly renaming files as they exchange hands within a group...I've worked on many projects in which the document goes from 'FINAL.doc" to FINALLYFINAL.doc' to 'SERIOUSLYSINAL.doc' and we are left to remember which one is truly the 'final' one. Nice bog man.
